Reality Therapy
William Glasser
Robert E. Wubbolding, EdD
To help people become more effective in meeting all of their psychological needs.
To enable clients to get reconnected with the people they have chosen to put into their quality worlds & teach clients choice theory.
Key Concepts:
The basic focus is on what clients are doing & how to get them to evaluate whether their present actions are working for them.
People are mainly motivated to satisfy their needs, especially the need for significant relationships.
The approach rejects the medical model, the notion of transference, the unconscious, & dwelling on one's past.
Based on choice therapy, this approach assumes that we need quality relationships to be happy.
Psychological problems are the result of our resisting the control by others or of our attempt to control others.
Choice theory is an explanation of human nature & how to best achieve satisfying interpersonal relationships.
Other Techniques:
Create an active, directive, & didactic therapy.
Skillful questioning is used for the duration of the therapy process.
Enable client to design their own plan of action for change if a specific technique is not working.
Emphasize choice & responsibility.
Reject transference.
Keep the therapy in the present.
Avoid focusing on symptoms.
Challenge traditional views of mental illness.
Dr. Glasser
Corey, G. (2013)..Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy (9th ed.,). Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole.
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